From: (David Ludlow)



Here is my version (design) of an insulator grabbing "thingy." It is very simple in concept. It started as a tree pruning saw telescoping pole. Through the top a simple hole was drilled and rubber 9" bungee strap was bolted with a 1/4" bolt and nut.

Attached to the other end of the bungee is my pull cord, which runs through a pulley. The pulley is attached to the pole by a simple worm clamp. That's it. A few observations...... the pole needs to be three sections. Many of the insulators will require considerable extension to reach them. You might as well just go ahead and put the extra length on, you'll be glad you did. Anything above three sections seems to hard to handle.

Secondly, cover all bolt heads with some thick tape or foam so as not to chip the insulator when grabbing it.

Lastly, I think some of the telescoping painter's poles I have seen in the home centers (Home Depot) would be very convenient to use for this. My version #2 may utilize one of these type poles. Mine works great as long as the mounting pin does not spin. For the small investment it has given me great satisfaction.


David Ludlow

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