Wild West Tech - Outlaw Tech

Insulators Home > Appearances in TV & Movies > History Channel > Wild West Tech - Outlaw Tech

Wild West Tech - Outlaw Tech
Narrated by Keith Carradine
First Aired on Mon 23 Aug 2003

Wild West Tech show logo

map of telegraph lines reaching across the USA

telegraph station sign

CGI image of telegraph key

CGI close-up of sounder mechanics

newspaper headlines by telegraph

person operating a telegraph key

newspaper headlines by telegraph

flying past CGI telegraph lines

sabotage of telegraph lines during the Civil War

sabotage of telegraph lines during the Civil War

color closeup of insulators on poles

color closeup of insulators on poles

color closeup of insulators on poles

color closeup of insulators on poles



looking down train tracks

post office sign

person operating a telegraph key

man using telephone

woman using telephone

man using telephone

woman using telephone

man using telephone

man speaking into telephone, with CGI phone-lines superimposed

woman using telephone

early wall-mounted telephone

early wall-mounted telephone



Insulators Home > Appearances in TV & Movies > History Channel > Wild West Tech - Outlaw Tech

Contact: A.C. Walker