Intepinderea de Sticlaire
Tirgue, Romania
Societe A. Rumania de Turda
Turda (Torda), Romania,


Standard of STAS 810-79

About embossings:


S.L.2 STAS 810-52 "TS Mark"
S.L.2 STAS 810-59 "TV Mark"
S.L.2 STAS 810-73 "TV Mark"
C.W. S.A.R. de T. I.14 "Monterrey Mark"
C.W. S.A.R. de T. 424 TURDA


S.O.2 STAS 810-73 "TV Mark"
S.O.2 STAS 810-52 "TS Mark"
S.O.2 STAS 810-59 "TS Mark"
S.O.2 STAS 810-49 "TS Mark"


S.O.3 STAS 810-59
S.O.3 STAS 810-59 "TS Mark"
S.O.3 STAS 810-52 "TS Mark"

CD-578.2, CD-578.4:

No emnbossing


S.O.1 STAS 810-52 P.T.T "TS Mark"

CD-409 "Shortie":

S.L.1 STAS 810-52 P.T.T "TS Mark"
These are the all embossing variation in my collection, about 60 pieces. The GIFONA book's second revision writes not right dara about Romanian Insulator's embossings. I have relatives is Transylavnia, Romanina, they can and must speak Romanian, and I could translate some things.

The first: The STAS doesn't means type, the STAS 810 is the national standard alphanumerics (STAS=Standard de Stat, Standard of State, National Standard), than there the EN-1250 (European Norm) or ISO etc. The 49, 52, 59, 73 are the date of the standard's revisionated publication year. There used to be 4 revisions, the newest is the 73, it has been being out of order since 1990.

The S.0.3, S.L.2 etc:
They are the type alphanumerics
  SL: Fix to wooden pin
  SO: Fix to steel pin
SL-1: CD-409 "Shortie"
SL-2: CD-408
SO-1: CD-407
SO-2: CD-445
SO-3: CD-446

Signing of the Insulators:
-Mark of the manufacturer
-Type Number
-STAS 810 - xx, the actual standard.

The CD-CD-578.2 and the CD-578.4 are mistery Insulators, no embossing.. The CD-446s were used for the railway inside telphone and signal lines only, but the Insulators mixed there very much.

The P.T.T. is the mosaic word of the factory.

You look the marks upper. The GIFONA book writes right about them.

The older embossings: C.W. S.A.R de T. etc.. These embossings are from before the communist age, the Turda and Tirgue factiries manucatured for license of French factory (VM in a circle), or it exported from France to Romania after the WW2. The Americans beganed the telephone line building there, and lot of stuff were manufactured for licenses, with other trademaks, or there would were export line, who knows it... Example: the Zsolnay factory manufactured for license, I looked Insulators with two trade marks.. In the communist age came the STAS norm alphanumerics, and it is working today also, but they have new numbers: RS-, RS EN- and RS ISO-. At that time the factories were nationalize, and the licenses were broken, but the Romanians kept the American technology. The GIFONA book writes right about this embossing.