European Insulator Show 14 July 2012

The next European show will take place in the Czech Republic on 14 July 2012. The venue will be near the small town of Obratan which is situated roughly 50 miles southeast of Prague. More details will be announced when they are known.

The last show took place in the village of Bilsborrow in northwest England last year. Below is a snapshot of the event. Please join us in Obratan this year for what will be a spectacular show.

History of the European Shows

Shows in North America have been a regular fixture for forty years. Events take place most weekends. Here in Europe the hobby is very much in its infancy. There have been some small informal gatherings over the years but the first organised show in Europe took place in Hungary in 2007. Since 2007 the following shows have taken place:
Szekszard, Hungary - July 2007
Szekszard, Hungary - July 2008
Dry, France - September 2008
Detling, England - October 2009
Neckartenzlingen, Germany - July 2010
Bilsborrow, England - August 2011

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