CREBheads List Archives

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The CREBheads mailing list was first established on August 20, 2004 and is hosted by Bill Meier and managed by Lee Brewer. Contact Lee to subscribe. (I only post email addresses with '-at-' and '-dot-' substituted for the punctuation, to avoid spam.) To find contact information for the list participants, you can search for their names in the ICON member directory. It's easiest to refer to the ICON directory for contact info, so that as people change their addresses you can continue to find the current info there (instead of me including ones here which might end up out-of-date). Not every message will necessarily be posted here, but most should be.

Jeramy Ross also has a second archive available for redundancy purposes.

Many photos of CREBs are available in the CREB photo gallery, also hosted by Bill Meier.



Insulators Home > List Archives > CREBheads

Contact: A.C. Walker